How To: Guitar
5 Ways to Beat Pre-performance Nerves

Whether you’re a music beginner or advanced players, performing in front of audiences is always a nerve-wracking experience. While you can’t avoid anxiety completely, there are some ways to help you reduce this unnerving feeling:1. Psych yourself up and think positively2. Practice makes perfect -- always be prepared!3. Find a...
Learn to Play the Guitar in 10 Hours – No Musical Talent Required

【0-30 Minutes】▶Choose a nice beginner guitar from website as your first guitar. And keeping follow us every week, there will be much more little tips for you to learn 【30-60 Minutes】▶Practice making the basic 5 shapes. This is probably the hardest part. You gotta put your head down for 30...
Easy Step to Writing Your First Song on the Guitar

What is your story for this year? Maybe you can start to write a song of this year or adapt a Christmas song for yourself One of the benefits the guitar has over many other instruments is that you can easily play chords on it. Use major keys to express...
How To Sing & Play Guitar at the Same Time for Beginners

It’s the season to practice your favorite Christmas songs, have you ever played a guitar and sung to your family or friends? TIME TO GIVE THEM SOME Little Surprise!Here are some tips you can practice step by step :1. First, learn the song properly so you can memorize it without...